Woman Praying Portrait

Mark 2:15-17

Later, Levi invited Jesus and his disciples to his ​home as dinner guests, along with many tax ​collectors and other disreputable sinners.

(There were many people of this kind among ​Jesus’ followers.)

But when the teachers of religious law who were ​Pharisees saw him eating with tax collectors and ​other sinners, they asked his disciples, “Why does ​he eat with such scum?” When Jesus heard this, ​he told them, Healthy people don’t need a doctor​—sick people do.

I have come to call not those who think they are ​righteous, but those who know they are sinners.


Like those Pharisees, today there are those who ​think they don’t need to approach Jesus.

But you, be humble as those sinners.

Stop thinking that you are not worthy and invite ​Jesus to “eat at your table”.

He came to seek and save those that are lost, ​those that cannot overcome their vices and sins.

Pray like this:

Father God, I give up listening to that inner voice ​that stops me and decide to take a step of faith, to ​follow Jesus, attend church, to leave behind my ​old life.

In the name of Jesus, amen.

Blessed day!

Marcos 2:15-17

Leví invitó a Jesús y a sus discípulos a una cena en ​su casa, junto con muchos cobradores de ​impuestos y otros pecadores de mala fama.

(Había mucha de esa clase de gente entre los ​seguidores de Jesús).

Cuando los

fariseos, lo vieron preguntaron ¿Por qué come ​con semejante escoria?.

Cuando Jesús los oyó, les dijo:

La gente sana no necesita médico, los enfermos ​sí.

No he venido a llamar a los que se creen justos, ​sino a los que saben que son pecadores.


Como aquellos fariseos, hoy también hay quienes ​piensan que no necesitan acercarse a Jesús.

Pero tú, sé humilde como esos pecadores.

Deja de pensar que no eres digno e invita a Jesús ​a “comer en tu mesa”.

Él vino a buscar y salvar al que estaba perdido, al ​que no puede vencer sus vicios y pecados.

Ora así:

Padre Dios, renuncio a escuchar esa voz interior ​que me detiene y decido dar un paso de fe, seguir ​al Señor, asistir a la iglesia, para dejar atrás mi ​vieja vida.

En el Nombre de Jesús, amén.

¡Bendecido día!